The children don't need to bear our marriage shoulder, If we resolve the problem, at least we can do that we should keep the haapy heart face to other. 孩子们没必要背负我们婚姻问题的负担。如果我们把问题解决了,我们能做的,至少是保持一个好的姿态面对别人。
The Mutual Benefit Principle and Mercenary Marriage in Modern Society& An analysis to the problem of bride-price in Zheng Ning s Marriage Custom; At the same time, changing social mores and expectations have placed stresses on long-term relationships. 当代社会与互惠、双赢原则下的买卖婚俗&试析正宁婚俗中的彩礼问题与此同时,变化的社会习俗和人们对婚姻的期望值也在使人们开始重视长期的婚姻关系。
The tragedy process of Juansheng and Zijun s love story from falling in love, to cohabitation, to final separation reflected that marriage is not only a personal problem but also a social problem; 它通过对涓生和子君从初恋、同居到最后分离的悲惨结局,反映了婚姻不仅仅是个人问题,还是社会问题;
Influence of Family Marriage State on Family Function, Self-esteem and the Behavior Problem of Middle School Students 家庭婚姻状况与家庭功能、中学生自尊及行为问题的关系
In addition, the author also shows us that love and marriage is not just a personal matter, but also a social problem. 另外,作者还向我们表明,恋爱婚姻不仅是个个人问题,而且也是个社会问题。
Regarding the typical "the stable marriage problem", we give one brief realization method with the help of the matrix ( two-dimensional array). 对于典型稳定婚姻问题,借助矩阵(二维数组)给出了一种简明的实现方法。
Research and Education on Marriage and Love Problem of the Present Age in China 当代中国婚恋问题分析与教育
Brief matrix algorithm realization of typical "stable marriage problem" 典型稳定婚姻问题的简明矩阵算法实现
From this viewpoint, the jurisprudical grounds can be provided for the judicial solution to the "Net Marriage" problem. 文章从婚姻契约论角度考察了这一法律类推适用的可行性,目的在于为“网婚”问题的司法解决提供法理参考。
This text intends from a few aspects such as the concept of the plural marriage offense, affirm and problem relevant to commit bigamy, completely and systematically to discuss the commit bigamy and put forward the perfect opinion in law. 本文拟从重婚罪的概念、认定以及与重婚罪有关的问题等几个方面,全面、系统地对重婚罪进行论述,并提出法律完善意见。
As a social group, love and marriage of women postgraduate students have already become a social problem. 女研究生作为一个社会群体,她们的恋爱婚姻已成为一个社会问题而存在。
This chapter reviews the study on current situation of marriage problem, points out advantage and problems stored in that forefathers study, proposes the thinking of research herein. 第一部分是前言,对婚姻问题的研究现状作了回顾,指出前人研究的优点以及所存在的问题,提出了本文的研究思路。
In China, research marriage problem to in times gone by suffer Chinese scholarses thoughtful of. 在中国,对婚姻问题的研究历来受到中国学者们的重视。
On the "Net Marriage" problem from the angle of marriage contract theory 从婚姻契约论角度谈网婚问题
Stable marriage problem and the solving method Backtracking are described. 介绍了稳定婚姻问题和解决该问题的回溯法;
The "Net Marriage" problem is a blank-new law problem that occurs in network age, and its special characteristics do not only challenge the idea of traditional marriage greatly, but also have a strong impact on the current marriage law. “网婚”问题是在网络时代出现的一个超出法律调整范围的社会问题,其特有属性不仅使传统婚姻遇到了极大挑战,而且对现行婚姻立法形成了有力冲击。
The third part explore this offence and there are problems, mainly analyzes the SINS of crime and illegal detention of kidnapping, insult sin, unlawfully interfere with freedom of marriage SINS, forced worker labor sin how to define the problem. 第三部分探讨的是此罪与彼罪问题,主要分析非法拘禁罪与绑架罪、侮辱罪、非法干涉婚姻自由罪、强迫劳动罪如何界定的问题。
Therefore, we can get a correct understanding of the marriage legislation of the Nanjing National Government though analyzing the problem. 对这个问题进行探索和分析,我们可以正确的认识和分析南京国民政府时期的婚姻立法,得出正确的判断和合理的评价。
The divorce agreement before lawsuit which during the lawsuit in agreement, the couple through administrative power to end the relationship of marriage, deal with the upbringing and property problem. 诉前离婚协议是在协议离婚过程中,以自愿通过行政程序解除夫妻双方的婚姻关系并对由此产生的子女抚养、财产后果等作出处理的书面协议。
The emergence of an affair, is a serious red light of marriage, which means marriage has had a severe problem, and the relationship between husband and wife is in urgent need of repairing. 婚外情的出现,就是婚姻严重亮起了红灯,说明婚姻已经出现了问题,夫妻关系急需修复。
This paper mainly studies the premarital a mortgage, a mortgage loan after marriage common room partition problem. 本文主要研究的是婚前一方按揭,婚后共同还贷的一类按揭房的分割问题。
The first part, based on the controversies of the uxorilocal marriage in Xiaoshan County reported by the media, mainly analyze the problem of existence of the uxorilocal marriage, which is validity in form but immorality in nature. 第一部分主要以媒体报道的浙江萧山某些入赘婚所引发的争议为引子,分析此类婚姻存在的问题,即形式上的合法性与实质上的不道德性。
In the divorce cases, dissolution of marriage is no longer the principal contradiction of the case, the problem is mainly concentrated in the partition of jointly owned property and child support issues. 在离婚案件中,解除婚姻关系不再是案件的主要矛盾,问题主要集中于夫妻共同财产的分割和子女抚养问题,而夫妻共同财产的分割则主要集中于房产、股权的分割等。
Unbalance of population sex ratio, which will produce negative affecting to working and living in rural areas, and will cause marriage squeeze problem and enormous risk of destroying stabilization and normal ethics. 人口性别比失衡对农村生产生活的负面影响和由此导致的婚姻挤压问题及其对社会伦理和社会稳定所构成的威胁。
The fourth section discusses the issue of termination of the Tang marriage, which the statutory conditions for termination of the marriage, this small problem between husband and wife is also a result of exploration and "Love can not get each other" cause for divorce. 第四部分论述了唐婚姻终止的问题,其中在婚姻终止的法定条件这个小问题中还探及了夫妻彼此因情不相得导致离婚的和离情况。
Divorce in order to better balance the interests of the parties to resolve the contradictions arising due to the marriage room allocation problem, many countries in the world, provides that marriage room residency system. 为了更好地平衡离婚各方当事人的利益,解决因婚房分配问题而产生的矛盾,世界上很多国家都规定了婚房居住权制度。
In recent years, in marriage and family field, human capital problem in marriage relation has gradually become new focus. 近年来,在婚姻家庭领域,婚姻关系中的人力资本问题,渐成新热点。
The nature of marriage and faithful from the start, and to explore a range of issues related to marriage and faithful, and from the ethical point of view of these problems were analyzed, unfaithful marriage, proposed to solve the problem. 本文从婚姻忠实的本质入手,探寻与婚姻忠实相关的一系列问题,并从伦理学角度对这些问题进行了分析,提出了解决婚姻不忠实问题的途径。
Because marriage third party problem is special, the author thinks that we shall not expand the scope of legal norms, we should use strict constituents. 由于婚姻第三者问题的特殊性,笔者认为不宜无限扩大法律规范的范围,应在构成要件上采取严格限制。